

Monday, January 1, 2018

Hello 2018

Hello 2018!  I hope that you and I can be friends.  I admit that my relationship with 2017, and to be fair 2016, was somewhat antisocial.  Work and sleep replaced adventuring.  But we did some good things 2017 and I.  We invested in physiotherapy for the knee.  We traveled to Utah for 3 weeks of  training.  We finished some work projects that really mattered.  We got to see some old friends who were kind enough to come to us.

But 2018, I hope we get to read more books together.  I hope "the hiking club" makes a hike this year.  I hope to take some amazing new photos.  I hope I can take my turn at flying to visit the friends who have visited me here.  I hope, 2018, that we suffer gains and not losses (unless we are talking inches and pounds, 2017 got that wrong).

We'll make a deal 2018 -- you bring good things, and I will pledge to show up.  I'll be there on weekends this year to enjoy you.  I'll stop hoarding those vacation days and let you show me new things, and revisit favorite places.  If you bring rain, I'll bring the new book.  If you bring sunshine I shall bask in you.  Maybe somewhere along the way we'll find some balance.

I was surprised to check in on you, little blog, and see you still have some readers along the way.  I will try to post more pictures of beautiful Alaska this year, and share whatever little adventures 2018 and I find.  Happy New Year all!